Available 93 spa hotels with the treatment of diseases
gastrointestinal tract

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Bristol Palace is the main four-star building of a group of hotels consisting of 5 buildings. It is located on the top tier of Karlovy Vary, near the forest zone. The medical and diagnostic facilities of the hotel are the best in the resort. In “Bristol Palace” there is a procedure of underwater stretching of the spine, and thermal water for procedures is not diluted with freshwater as in all other spa hotels of the resort. Patients are treated by experienced doctors working in Karlovy Vary for several decades.

Review score
  • TOP 10 for comfort

Bristol Královská Villa is a four-star hotel, part of the Bristol Hotel Group. It is connected by a covered walkway to the Bristol Palace Hotel, where food is organized. The treatment of the guests of the “Royal Villa” takes place in the therapeutic complex of the Bristol spa hotel. Bristol Královská Villa is one of the most comfortable buildings in the Bristol Hotel Group.

“Bristol Main Building” is a hotel with a very high-quality medical base and the best diagnostic base in Karlovy Vary. Among all the hotels of Karlovy Vary, it is Bristol that has doctors who have experience since the USSR period. The hotel has a very convenient location on Sadovaya Street, just a few minutes walks from the thermal springs. The peculiarity of the “Bristol Main Building” is that all its rooms have balconies overlooking Sadovaya Street. The hotel has state-of-the-art equipment, which allows getting the most detailed analyzes during the day.

Very good

Reviews: 1

  • TOP-5 for treatment

Hotel "Dvorak" is among the leaders in Karlovy Vary in terms of the ratio of such parameters: the comfort of rooms, quality of food, and location in the city center. The hotel has very beautiful interiors, the rooms are kept in almost perfect condition. Meals are daily represented by the widest choice of dishes, including dietary ones. The treatment department offers standard procedures for Karlovy Vary. "Dvořák" is the only hotel in the resort where overweight people are treated according to Dr. Mayer's system to remove toxic substances and toxins from the body.


Reviews: 28

  • TOP 10 for comfort

"Cajkovskij" at first glance does not stand out with anything special among other spa hotels in Karlovy Vary. The normal level of comfort is the standard treatment for a resort. Among the advantages, there is the location on a quiet street Sadovaya, where there is no heavy traffic, and the presence of thermal water for the water treatments. Reasonable prices for accommodation and a good level of service, which almost every second guest is satisfied with, make Cajkovskij a very sought-after hotel in Karlovy Vary.

Hotel "Kolonnada" is located opposite the Mill Colonnade with thermal springs. It is a member of the Bristol Hotel Group, which is a leader in Karlovy Vary in terms of the quality of treatment. A lot of attention in “Kolonada” is paid to qualitative nutrition, including dietary. The disadvantages of the hotel can be considered the presence of small-sized single rooms and very unstable Wi-Fi.

  • Very popular

"Olympia" has an advantageous location - directly opposite the Geyser Colonnade, and within a few minutes' walking distances to the central Mill Colonnade. It is included in TOP-10 of the most comfortable hotels of the resort. The hotel has thermal water for treatments. Treatment is conducted at a good level; in any case, Olympia has basically positive reviews about the treatment. The food in the "Olympia" is one of the best in Karlovy Vary. There are several types of diets: for diabetics, the main balanced, pancreatic, low in purine, cholesterol or salt.


Reviews: 28

  • Very popular

The Venus Hotel is located a few steps from the Garden Colonnade and a 3-minutes walk from the Mill Colonnade. It has a good level of comfort, the rooms are beautifully decorated, and the furniture is maintained in excellent condition. The food in the restaurant is delicious, if desired, you can order a diet food, incl. gluten-free. The medical center is decorated in a high-tech style; procedures are carried out in a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere. Venus is in the TOP-5 of hotels in Karlovy Vary with the best ratio of price and quality of service.


Reviews: 23

  • Very popular

Moskevsky Dvur is located on Sadovaya Street, 150 meters from the thermal springs. It is a quiet place, there is no active traffic. The hotel has only 17 rooms, so vacationers live in a very calm environment. They try to find an individual approach to each guest, so the quality of service according to the reviews of hotel guests is very positive. Moskevsky Dvur has a small 4x10 meter swimming pool, jacuzzi and sauna.

"Ostende" is located in the center of Karlovy Vary, 250 meters from the thermal springs. The main "highlight" of the hotel is the patented system of "Evolutionary weight loss." It is held on special ultra-modern equipment, which has no analogs in any hotel in Karlovy Vary. In general, “Ostende” is positioned as a hotel, specializing primarily in rejuvenation and body shaping. Here is a wide range of aesthetic medicine procedures aimed at combating wrinkles, skin tightening, and facial rejuvenation without surgical interventions.

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