

After booking on, you will receive an email from us with the booking number. The hotel, as a rule, instantly confirms the reservation and a booking confirmation with a unique number is automatically sent to your e-mail, which is the basis for your check-in at the hotel.


We guarantee you:

1. The relevance of the reservation for the entire period until your arrival at the hotel.
2. Fixing the booking price, which does not depend on exchange rate fluctuations.
3. Provision at the hotel of all services stipulated by the conditions of the reservation.
4. Possibility of free cancellation.
5. Booking without prepayment. In cases where the hotel requires an advance payment (usually not more than 20% of the booking amount), we warn our customers in advance.
No hidden fees. We do not include our services in the cost of booking - they are provided to you free of charge.

We do not collect your personal data and bank card information if you enter when booking under the terms of the hotel. If the terms of the booking require you to provide your bank card details, they are transferred directly to the hotel. The hotel does not charge or block funds on a bank card without your prior consent.


How else can we help you:

Our customer support service is available 24/7. You can ask us any questions about resorts, sanatoriums and treatment. We have a well-known balneologist Vladislav Burya, who knows all the resorts and sanatoriums presented on the site thoroughly, because he personally visited there.

We can independently make you a reservation of a sanatorium or hotel. All you need to do is just give us a call.

From the moment you book, you are provided with a 24-hour personal assistant. He will answer any of your questions, book transfers, excursions, help make adjustments to the booking.

Our representatives work at many resorts. They help with any issues. You can contact them through "Contacts".