General questions about bookspahotel.com
Where is bookspahotel.com registered?
Bookspahotel.com is a Czech company registered in Prague. Our office is located in Prague. We have representatives in Turkey and Russia.
General terms
By performing any action on the online resource bookspahotel.com (by studying the necessary information or by booking a room in a sanatorium or hotel), you agree to our terms and conditions listed below.
Booking rules
Reservation of several rooms and spa facilities for the same surname and name, the same or different dates is prohibited. By doing so, you are preventing other users of bookspahotel.com from booking these rooms.
Cancellation policy
Each resort and hotel determines its own terms for free cancellation of the reservation. You can see these terms on the page of the resort on our website after entering the date of arrival/departure or at the final stage of booking. To cancel your booking, please email us at [email protected] or call our customer service and provide your confirmed booking number.
Bank card
If the spa hotel requires you to provide your bank card details when booking, then this is necessary for the spa hotel as a guarantee of ordering a room. All information about the bank card is transmitted exclusively in encrypted form.
Website prices
Bookspahotel.com shows the final price for booking a room for the requested period of stay, which includes the full therapeutic spa course, meals, medical examinations, and VAT. In some cases, the resort fee is included in the price of the reservation. At the same time, there are resorts on the site, the prices of which are indicated mainly without treatment (Abano Terme in Italy, Portorož and Rogaška Slatina in Slovenia). This is due to the fact that traditionally in these resorts, treatment is bought separately in hotels or treatment centers.
Contract terms
Upon completion of booking a room in the required spa hotel on our website, bookspahotel.com acts only as an intermediary between you and the chosen spa hotel. bookspahotel.com forwards all the necessary booking details to the resort and sends you a booking confirmation by email. After arriving at the sanatorium, you are bound by a contractual relationship directly with it. bookspahotel.com does not resolve disputes and does not consider complaints to the spa hotel that you have after checking into the spa hotel.
Information on the website
All information on our website about sanatoriums and resorts is confirmed and constantly monitored directly by sanatoriums. Data on cost, availability and other information is current at the present time. The sanatorium chosen by you is responsible for the accuracy of the information.
Price policy
Bookspahotel.com strives to provide the lowest possible prices for our customers. But if you find a cheaper offer to book a room in the same resort with the same conditions, only on another Internet resource, we are ready to offer you a similar price, provided that you provide us with the name of an Internet resource with a lower cost than on bookspahotel.com. Carefully check the booking conditions on other resources - they must fully match the conditions on bookspahotel.com: dates of stay, number of procedures, diet, number of doctor's visits, category of the room you have chosen, presence/absence of tests.
Online booking cost
All services of www.bookspahotel.com are completely free of charge.
All reviews left on our website www.bookspahotel.com are for informational purposes only. Our clients share their impressions and in no way promote a particular resort.
Dispute resolution
Bookspahotel.com operates strictly in accordance with the current Czech legislation. All emerging disputes regarding the services provided by us should be considered only in the relevant courts of the city of Prague in the Czech Republic.
What is included in the price of the hotel and resort on bookspahotel.com?
If you book a regular vacation package, without treatment, then the price includes accommodation and meals. The treatment package in Karlovy Vary includes a doctor's examination, tests and procedures (18-20 per week).
How to choose the right resort
How to choose the best resort and spa hotel for treatment?
The right choice of a resort is very important for the effective treatment of diseases. The bookspahotel.com website has special help pages in choosing a resort and spa hotels. You can read information or watch videos. Also, use the smart resort search filter. If you still have doubts about the right choice, the support staff of bookspahotel.com will help you make the right choice. You can contact our specialists by phone numbers listed on the site in the "Contacts" section. In addition, our company cooperates with qualified spa doctors who will give free consultation on your questions. This can be done by filling out a special form on the website.
How to choose the right resort if you need to treat several diseases?
On our website, www.bookspahotel.com, not only narrow-profile resorts are presented for selection, but also multi-profile ones. On the pages of our site, there is information about the right choice of resort. If you still have questions, you can call the support service at the numbers listed in the "Contacts" section and get high-quality advice from our spa specialists.
If there is a problem at the resort, how can I call you?
You can call us at any phone number listed in the "Contacts" section or email us at [email protected].
Do you help with flight bookings?
We can suggest where it is profitable to book an air ticket. We do not currently include airfare in bookings as it is not possible to predict in advance from which city a customer will be booking a hotel.
Why do different spas offer different numbers of treatments?
Depending on the medical specialization and the level of the therapeutic base, different sanatoriums offer a different number of procedures for a course of treatment. On average, their number is 15-18 procedures per week, which are carried out daily on weekdays.
How can I find out the list of procedures that will be prescribed for me in the spa hotel?
All procedures are prescribed only by a spa doctor of a spa institution based on your complaints, medical history and taking into account individual intolerance to any procedures. In most cases, the treatment includes water, mud (if there is mud at the resort) procedures, electrotherapy, gas therapy and physiotherapy. If you are going to Karlovy Vary, then you will be prescribed a drinking treatment course of thermal water. The drinking course is assigned free of charge, it is not included in the paid package of procedures.
Do doctors see patients on weekends?
Basically, all spa doctors receive patients on weekdays, that is, from Monday to Friday. Only in some sanatoriums medical examination by a doctor is carried out on Saturdays and even Sundays.
Can I choose the procedures I like on my own?
All the main procedures are prescribed to the patient by a spa doctor based on his complaints and state of health. You can choose only wellness procedures that help to relax the body and are carried out without a doctor's prescription. At the same time, there is a list of medical procedures for which you do not need a doctor's prescription. You can find a list of such procedures at the reception of the sanatorium.
Is it possible to book only a holiday in a spa hotel or hotel without treatment?
You can book a vacation without treatment through bookspahotel.com in almost any spa hotel and resort. If you book a vacation without treatment, you can always purchase individual procedures or one of the existing treatment programs directly at the resort and after consulting a spa doctor. Keep in mind that buying treatments individually can cost more in a hotel than buying them in advance.
How to find out the work schedule of a spa doctor in a hotel?
You can find this information on our website www.bookspahotel.com. On the page with a description of each spa hotel there is a section.
Is it possible to see a doctor on the day of arrival at the spa hotel?
As a rule, an examination by a doctor is carried out the next day after arrival. This is due to the fact that after the road the patient must fully rest, recuperate. In some cases, doctors practice examination on the day of arrival. This information needs to be clarified individually in the spa hotel.
Is there a fee for using the pool and sauna?
Visiting the pool and sauna in almost all resorts is free. You can check more precisely on the website bookspahotel.com on the page with a description of each hotel.
Do I need a health resort card or the opinion of my attending physician?
Health resorts and hotels do not require a health resort card. But doctors welcome if you bring the results of medical examinations with you. If you come for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, then it is advisable to take MRI scans or X-rays. If for the treatment of kidneys, then the results of ultrasound of the kidneys. If for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then the results of esophagogastroduodenoscopy.
Are treatments available on weekends?
Rest of the body from therapeutic procedures is very important. Therefore, all treatment is carried out on weekdays, only in some sanatoriums it is carried out on Saturdays. With rare exceptions, in some sanatoriums, medical procedures are also carried out on Sundays.
Questions about treatment at resorts in Turkey
What is treated in the resorts of Turkey?
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, skin, eyes, respiratory organs, urological and gynecological diseases.
What are the conditions for booking spa resorts in Turkey
Resorts in Turkey can be booked without prepayment and with the possibility of canceling the reservation at any time.
How to get to the medical resorts of Turkey
Bookspahotel.com organizes transfers to the resort and back to the airport.
Do health resorts in Turkey comply with sanitary and epidemiological requirements?
Yes, as in all resort hotels. Moreover, since the thermal resorts of Turkey are less well-known than the sea destinations, there are minimal risks of contracting Covid-19 in sanatoriums.
What currency to pay in spa hotels in Turkey?
You can pay in dollars, euros or Turkish lira. Exchange offices are everywhere.
Is there a language barrier at the thermal resorts in Turkey?
Some hotels have Russian-speaking staff, some hotels have a language barrier and speak Turkish or English.
What procedures are offered in thermal resorts in Turkey?
Exactly the same procedures as in the thermal resorts of Russia or Europe.
Do you have to pay to visit the thermal pools?
In all hotels in the medical resorts of Turkey, access to the thermal pools is free and unlimited in time.
Do I need to take a health resort card in a Turkish health resort?
No, you don't need a spa card.
In which hotels in Pamukkale does a English-speaking translator work?
Pam Thermal 5* has an employee who speaks English. His services are paid extra.
How to swim in the thermal pool?
In those Pamukkale hotels where there is a doctor, guests can take advantage of his advice. Depending on the disease, he will advise the optimal mode of visiting the thermal pool.
Are treatment programs offered in Pamukkale?
Yes, in those hotels in Pamukkale where there are medical departments, you can buy a treatment program and individual procedures.
Where are the sources of thermal water with which you can treat the gastrointestinal tract?
The Pam Thermal hotel has a thermal spring Pamukkale. A drinking regimen will be prescribed by a doctor.
Where is cerebral palsy treated in Pamukkale?
Pamukkale provides holidays to children. Children are admitted for treatment at the Nobel Clinic. The age of the child is not limited.
Is it possible to book a thermal hotel without treatment?
Yes, you can book in Pamukkale hotels only for accommodation and any meal plan. Free use of the thermal pools.
Is it possible to be treated at the Afyon health resort only with thermal water, without other procedures?
Yes, you can, because the composition of Afyon thermal water is such that it affects the joints, skin, respiratory organs, helps with cardiovascular and gynecological diseases.
How is treatment at the Afyon resort different from European resorts?
Firstly, thermal therapy is free here. Secondly, the medical staff works more carefully with each patient. Thirdly, the treatment system is flexible, one can easily replace one procedure with another and combine them.
Do they understand English at the resort?
Practically everywhere the English language is spoken. You can communicate in English.
Are there diets in thermal hotels?
In thermal hotels, meals are organized according to the "buffet" system and the choice of dishes is large. Fresh vegetables, fruits, seafood, different types of meat.
Is it possible to be treated at the Afyon health resort only with thermal water, without other procedures?
Yes, you can, because the composition of Afyon thermal water is such that it affects the joints, skin, and respiratory organs, and helps with cardiovascular and gynecological diseases.
What is the best thermal hotel in Afyon?
There are many rating spa hotels in Afyon, the best are five-star thermal resorts. They have a good level of services and amenities, a wide range of food, from two or more thermal pools, to spa centers. The following have a high rating: Korel Thermal, Hilton Afyonkarahisar, MCG Cakmak Thermal, Ikbal Thermal Hotel & Spa Afyon, NG Afyon Wellness & Convention, Budan Thermal, Ema Ozturk Thermal, Garden Kale Thermal, Grand Ozgul Thermal Holiday Village, Orucoglu Resort.
Is it possible to go to the thermal hotel with children?
The spa hotel-resort institutions of Afyon provide for rest with children, but they do not carry out the systemic treatment. Bathing in thermal pools with low water temperature is allowed.
What is included in Afyon treatment tour?
A tour with treatment in Afyon in Turkey includes accommodation in a hotel room, meals according to the chosen regimen, and procedures. Please note that not all hotels in Afyon offer medical procedures. You can purchase a wellness tour to Afyon on the official website bookspahotel.com
How to buy a package with treatment in Afyon?
To buy a ticket to the Afyon health resort, you need to select on the website bookspahotel.com the dates you are interested in staying at the resort, and the diet with treatment. The system will show only those Afyon hotels that offer treatments. You can book a hotel and find out the cost of a holiday with treatment in Afyon online and you will receive a booking confirmation by mail, which is the basis for settling in. Upon arrival, a doctor will examine you and determine what specific procedures you need at the Afyon Health Resort. At the same time, swimming in the thermal pools of Afyon is free in all hotels.
How to choose the right hotel in Afyon?
The cost of hotels in Afyon is different, so start your selection by determining the main purpose of visiting the resort. If this is a vacation at the lowest price, then choose a ticket without treatment to an inexpensive four-star hotel. You will visit the thermal complex, swimming pool, saunas, and hammam. Bathing in thermal water has a complex healing effect. Comprehensive high-level treatment at Korel Thermal Resort Clinic & Spa. Prices for treatment in this Afyon spa hotel are higher due to the fact that they offer not only a thermal therapy program but also rehabilitation for patients with serious problems of the joints and spine. For people demanding comfort and high service, Korel, Ikbal Thermal, Hilton Afyonkarahisar, and NG Afyon Wellness & Convention are suitable.