Burya Vladislav

Your personal spa expert

I will advise which resort and sanatorium
suits you best

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Why consult with me?

Expert No. 1 in the CIS on the thermal resorts of the world

I worked at 60 resorts in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Lithuania, France, Italy, Turkey, Ukraine, Russia. I know more than 520 sanatoriums thoroughly. I studied the intricacies of spa treatment from the best balneologists in Europe. The only specialist in the CIS who owns the largest amount of information about the thermal resorts in Turkey.

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Personal achievements

8 years of experience in the health resort industry

I will select the most suitable sanatorium for you based on a thorough knowledge of the quality of treatment at different resorts.

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clients consulted


sanatoriums studied


resort video filmed


resort books released

Online consultations

How is the consultation going?

I need to get detailed information from you in order to advise the most optimal resort and sanatorium.

There are narrow-profile and multi-profile resorts. Depending on what diseases you have, I will recommend which resort will treat you most effectively and with a guaranteed result.
I am up to date with the latest news, which countries are open or closed for visiting during the coronavirus pandemic. In addition, in the country where you want to go, natural factors may not be effective for your treatment. I take into account all these factors for the right choice of resort.
Sanatoriums, even at the same resort, have different prices depending on the level of stardom, comfort, service, the list of services offered, and the characteristics of the medical base. The final price depends on the category of the room you have chosen, the diet, the number of days of stay in the sanatorium.
Your benefits

What will you get from the consultation?

I plan your trip so that you not only get a good treatment but also get vivid impressions of the rest.

Personalized approach

I will advise the resort and the sanatorium not only based on their medical specialization, but also taking into account your wishes for the level of comfort, service, quality of food, as well as free time.

Personalized approach

I will advise the resort and the sanatorium not only based on their medical specialization, but also taking into account your wishes for the level of comfort, service, quality of food, as well as free time.

Visualization of treatment and rest

I will provide author's photos and videos about the resort and sanatorium.

Visualization of treatment and rest

I will provide author's photos and videos about the resort and sanatorium.

Doctor's second opinion

Online consultation with an experienced doctor for a second opinion on the treatment process for your disease.

Doctor's second opinion

Online consultation with an experienced doctor for a second opinion on the treatment process for your disease.

Travel accompaniment

I accompany you from the moment of departure to the resort until the return home.

Travel accompaniment

I accompany you from the moment of departure to the resort until the return home.

Help 24/7

I provide assistance in resolving any issues during your stay at the resort.

Help 24/7

I provide assistance in resolving any issues during your stay at the resort.

Organization of excursions

A trip for treatment should leave a pleasant impression. I will advise and organize long-term memorable excursions for you.

Organization of excursions

A trip for treatment should leave a pleasant impression. I will advise and organize long-term memorable excursions for you.

Booking process

How to book a medical tour

Any booking can be canceled free of charge.
Your bonuses

After consultation you will receive additional bonuses

  • 20% discount on online booking.
  • Possibility to pay for the reservation after arrival at the resort.
  • Free cancellation.
  • The book as a gift is "How to choose a medical resort and get effective treatment."

  • International phone
    +420 776 147 100 (Whatsapp, Viber, Telegram)
  • Call within the Russian Federation
  • Call within Ukraine

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Guarantees Bookspahotel.com

  • The relevance of the reservation for the entire period until your arrival at the hotel.
  • Possibility of free cancellation.
  • Booking without prepayment. In cases where the hotel requires an advance payment, we warn you in advance.
  • No hidden fees. We do not include our services in the cost of booking - they are provided free of charge.