Benefits and Services
Benefits and Services
  • Good level of comfort
  • Location in the center of the resort

  • SPA Center

  • DIET


  • Staff language skills

  • Internet




Hotel "Astoria 3 *" is located in the center of the resort part of the city. It does not have its own medical department. All complex medical services, medical procedures are carried out in the balneological department of the Agricola Resort Center, which is located 50 meters from the hotel. Each room has a balcony and a private kitchenette.

Rooms at spa hotel
    • Room capacity: 3
    • 42 m²

Room features

taxes and fees included

Payments options
Room features
  • Kettle
  • TV
  • Carpet
  • Kitchen
  • Mini bar
  • Safe
  • Shower
  • Phone
  • Hair dryer
  • Fridge
  • WIFI
View from the room

forest view, city view

Двухместный Comfort
    • DBL - Comfort
    • Room capacity: 2
    • 22 m²

Room features
ASTORIA предоставляет возможность бронирования без предоставления данных о банковской карте

taxes and fees included

Payments options
Room features
  • Fridge
  • WIFI
  • TV
  • Safe
  • Phone
  • Hair dryer
  • Bathrope and slippers
View from the room

mountain view, forest view, city view

Двухместный Studio
    • DBL - Studio
    • Room capacity: 2
    • 42 m²

Room features
ASTORIA предоставляет возможность бронирования без предоставления данных о банковской карте

taxes and fees included

Payments options
Room features
  • Phone
  • WIFI
  • TV
  • Carpet
  • Mini bar
  • Safe
  • Shower
  • Hair dryer
  • Bathrope and slippers
  • Fridge
  • Balcony
  • Towel
View from the room

mountain view, forest view, city view

Medical base of spa hotel
Own medical base
Own medical base

The medical base of the spa hotel includes a balneological and physiotherapy department. At mud resorts, usually, spa hotels also have their own mud baths. Treatment bases differ in size, the number of procedures offered by medical equipment, availability/absence of a diagnostic laboratory.

Gas injections
Gas injections

Carboxytherapy or CO2 gas injections is a medical procedure in which carbon dioxide is injected subcutaneously. Medical gas is injected subcutaneously with an ultra-fine needle and is painless. Cell regeneration is accelerated, the procedure has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves pain, activates the circulatory system, tightens the skin, and slows down aging. Due to the saturation of tissues with oxygen, fatty tissue is destroyed, toxins and slags are removed.

Carbonic bath
Carbonic bath

Carbon dioxide, getting into the blood through the pores, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular and central nervous systems. The gas is much lower than the water temperature and is 12-25°C, due to which the skin experiences a two-phase massage, the point effect of which is achieved due to the volatilization of gas bubbles from the surface of the body. Due to this, vasodilation occurs, blood circulation increases, metabolism and the activity of the nervous system normalize. The patient is immersed in a carbon dioxide bath for 10-20 minutes, the temperature of which is 35-37°C.


Inhalation is a medical procedure used to influence the respiratory organs by inhaling the vapors of thermal mineral water or with medicinal substances. The duration of the procedure and medicinal substances are determined by the doctor individually. Inhalations are carried out in each spa hotel and are included in the standard treatment package.

Scottish shower
Scottish shower

Scottish shower has a strong tonic effect, improves hemodynamics, metabolism and activates the body's immune system. During hydrotherapy, muscle massage takes place, pain syndrome disappears in case of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The procedure alternately uses hot water heated to 38-40°C for 30-40 seconds and cold water at a temperature of 18-20°C for 10-15 seconds.

Oxygen therapy
Oxygen therapy

It is carried out through inhalation. The patient inhales oxygen through a mask or nasal inserts. Oxygen therapy stimulates the circulatory system, saturates tissues with oxygen, increases the level of oxygen in the blood plasma, improves memory and thinking, reduces the level of anemia, and normalizes the activity of the heart. The beneficial effect persists for a long time, which contributes to the subsequent cell regeneration and strengthening of the immune system.


Water massage procedure, takes place in a special bath, equipped with numerous built-in jets to influence eight zones of the body. Massage relieves muscle tension, has a relaxing effect, reduces spasms, and creates an analgesic effect, improves blood circulation, metabolism, stimulates the lymphatic system, accelerates the resolution of edema and hematomas.

Paraffin hand wraps
Paraffin hand wraps

One of the most effective procedures in cosmetology and for problems of the musculoskeletal system using paraffin. During the procedure, the skin warms up, its temperature increases and the pores open, which contributes to the active removal of toxins from the body. Paraffin absorbs toxins, and the remaining beneficial substances penetrate back into the skin, relieving it of dryness, and water balance is restored. With such procedures, blood circulation and blood pressure improve, the nervous system calms down.

Bath with herbal supplements
Bath with herbal supplements

When inhaling oil vapors and penetrating them into the body through the skin, a general relaxing effect is produced, the procedure calms the nervous system, has a vasodilating, analgesic, tonic, antiseptic, metabolic, immunomodulating, and cosmetic effect. Baths quickly restore strength, serve as prophylaxis against colds, improve skin condition, remove excess fats due to sweating, and improve lymph circulation. Help to get rid of excess weight.

Dry carbonic bath
Dry carbonic bath

The gas entering the body is completely dissolved in the blood plasma. All vessels and capillaries are exposed to it - they expand, which improves blood circulation. As a result, blood thinning occurs, which has a positive effect on the nervous system. Oxygen saturation helps to lower blood pressure, the active work of the lymphatic system. The expansion of blood vessels improves blood supply to muscle tissues, and insulin interacts more dynamically with its receptors, thereby reducing sugar levels.

Whirlpool foot bath
Whirlpool foot bath

Carrying out massage of the lower extremities in a special bath with the help of vortex water flows. The procedure can be carried out both in ordinary and in mineral water. A positive effect is achieved due to water pressure: joint pain and general tension are relieved, blood flow in the limbs increases, oxygenation of all organs occurs, the skin becomes elastic and elastic.


A method of electrotherapy with the influence of currents of various frequencies on the human body. The therapeutic effect is due to the influx of heat, due to which there is a relaxation of muscles and blood vessels, increased blood circulation, reduced pain, improved functioning of the endocrine glands, and activation of immune cells.


An electrocardiogram is one of the main methods for diagnosing heart disease. According to the obtained indicators, it is possible to accurately determine the frequency and regularity of heart contractions. The procedure is completely painless and can be prescribed at any age. Not a single spa hotel for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases works without these studies.


Treatment with high-frequency ultrasonic vibrations. The basis of the impact of ultrasound on the body is thermal and mechanical energy. This increases hemodynamics and metabolism in tissues, reduces muscle tension, anesthetizes, and has an anti-inflammatory effect in diseases of the musculoskeletal system.


Impact on the human body with low voltage currents and with a certain frequency. Receiving diadynamic currents by the body promotes muscle contraction, which causes stimulation of the muscles of internal organs and vessel walls. The analgesic effect is achieved by inhibiting the pain impulse.


It has analgesic, vasodilating, regenerating, stimulating and restorative effect. It activates the circulatory system, lowers blood pressure, improves the elasticity of connective tissue in the body, strengthens the immune system, normalizes the acid-base balance, stimulates the formation of collagen, relieves headaches.


The use of cold in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. A short exposure to cold stimulates the body's adaptation, reduces swelling, improves motor functions, stops inflammation processes, and increases resistance to stress.

Laser therapy
Laser therapy

The procedure activates metabolic processes in the body, dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation and the functioning of the lymphatic system, saturates the blood with oxygen, relieves inflammation, has antibacterial, antiviral and regenerating properties, accelerates the removal of decay products from tissues, reduces blood viscosity, cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of blood clots. After several procedures, pain disappears, joint mobility improves, swelling is removed.

Manual lymphatic drainage
Manual lymphatic drainage

A special massage technique that helps cleanse blood vessels and increase the tone of their walls. After the first physiotherapy, there is a surge of vivacity and lightness, after the second - edema disappears, small visible vessels disappear, skin color evens out. Further, there is an improvement in metabolic processes in all skin cells, weight is normalized, venous circulation improves, the process of removing toxins is accelerated, and cellulite disappears.

Hardware lymphatic drainage
Hardware lymphatic drainage

The procedure is aimed at restoring the water balance in the body, removing edema, congestion, increasing figure correction, resorption of fat deposits, small scars and scars, as well as the rapid removal of toxic substances from the body. It has a positive effect on the immune system, improves the condition of blood vessels, activates metabolic processes.


A therapeutic method of physiotherapy, in which certain reflex points on the human body are affected by acupuncture. With the help of acupuncture, a certain segment of the brain is stimulated, which is responsible for the functioning of a particular organ. The procedure has an analgesic effect, relieves muscle spasms, strengthens the immune system and serves as a good prevention of many diseases.

Aromatic massage
Aromatic massage

Joint influence on human skin by classical methods of therapeutic massage and aromatic oils. Aroma massage has a pronounced relaxation and restorative effect, relieves muscle tone and reduces pain.

Underwater massage
Underwater massage

Underwater shower has a complex effect on the entire body. Thanks to this, muscle tone is relaxed, pain syndromes are reduced, and a multi-level deep tissue massage is performed. Such procedures are used for both medical and cosmetic purposes.

Reflex massage
Reflex massage

Influence of massage on established areas of the body, reflexively associated with the internal organs of the body. During the massage, a segmental reaction occurs, impulses enter the spinal cord and brain, and the overall work of the whole organism is normalized. The impact of massage does not occur specifically on the organ, but on the zones connected by reflexes with the spinal cord.

Honey massage
Honey massage

The most effective and pleasant method of mechanical action on the body with the use of honey. Massage actions improve blood circulation, trigger reflex processes of the spine, cleanse the skin.

Thai massage
Thai massage

Thai massage is a complete system of healing the body, consisting of various methods of influence: stretching, reflexology, acupuncture, passive yoga, impact on energy points.

General massage
General massage

Massage is the most popular procedure of reflex or mechanical influence on the human body in order to stimulate and normalize the work of the body. During the procedure, a beneficial effect on the muscular system occurs, the body's metabolic processes are activated, blood circulation improves, and skin elasticity increases. It has a rejuvenating, regenerating, anti-inflammatory and relaxing effect, has a calming effect on the nervous system, regulates the autonomic functions of the body, stimulates the removal of toxins from the body, improves immunity, relieves pain.

Partial massage
Partial massage

Massage only problematic areas of a person with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Massage actions help to activate the work of muscle tissue. Massaging the skin leads to improved blood circulation, burning of metabolic products, improved appetite, promotes the resorption of edema.

Hot stone massage
Hot stone massage

A combination of different types of massage using hot volcanic rocks. Stone therapy is prescribed to improve blood circulation, regulate the functioning of the nervous, immune and lymphatic systems, and reduce pain.

Gymnastics in the gym
Gymnastics in the gym

Gymnastics in the gym is one of the main methods of physiotherapy with the use of physical activity. During exercise, blood circulation increases, the work of the musculoskeletal system improves, the general physical condition and performance of the patient improve.

Gymnastics in the pool
Gymnastics in the pool

The complex treatment of many problems of the musculoskeletal system is the combination of water and exercise. Since the muscles relax significantly in the water, it is much easier for the patient to perform training. Due to various devices, the spine straightens, the activity of the joints improves, and muscle tissues relax.


A method of light therapy using a special incandescent lamp for a deep and intense effect on the body. Due to the effect of visible infrared rays, the local temperature rises, muscle tissue relaxes, blood vessels expand, lymph and blood circulation increases, metabolism improves, inflammation foci are anesthetized and resolved.

Salt cave
Salt cave

The patient's condition improves after the first procedure. Trace elements in the air help to improve the respiratory system, normalize metabolism, reduce inflammation, strengthen immunity, reduce allergy symptoms, and improve the functioning of the central nervous system.

Biolamp Biostimulus
Biolamp Biostimulus

A type of phototherapy that uses long wavelengths of light. The influence of light leads to the renewal of the cell metabolism process, which contributes to the development of regeneration and an increase in immunity. This method is effectively used in the treatment of burns, slow healing of wounds and alleviation of pain in muscles and joints.

Kneipp baths
Kneipp baths

Contrast foot baths in which the patient walks for several minutes. The alternation of cold and hot water leads to vasodilatation, improved hemodynamics, reduction of edema and strengthening of blood vessels.

Shiatsu massage
Shiatsu massage

Japanese type of massage, in which the effect is obtained by pressing on the biologically active points of a person. The theory behind this massage technique is that the human body is made up of energy, and if the energy channels are blocked, it leads to various health problems. Massage helps to remove energy blockages and increases the efficiency of the body's basic functions. The Shiatsu technique heals the body's nervous and immune systems by applying pressure to the meridians.

Radon bath
Radon bath

Radon baths improve microcirculation in the skin, normalize the functioning of the heart, even out blood pressure, have an anti-inflammatory effect, normalize the morphological composition and blood clotting, and stimulate tissue regeneration processes.

Reflex foot massage
Reflex foot massage

Activation of acupressure points on the surface of the foot, responsible for different organs. With the help of a special massage technique, the internal organs are affected, the work of the vegetative system is normalized, pain sensations are reduced, and the process of wound healing is accelerated.


A unique procedure using microdoses of gamma radiation over a longer period of time. With its help, people with various diseases of the spine and joints will be able to get rid of the pain for a long time. This procedure helps to cope with diseases even in cases where the drug effect is not effective or it is impossible to take them due to individual intolerance to the drug.

Pearl bath with additives
Pearl bath with additives

Water procedure with the addition of various herbs or aroma oils, used in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Due to the expansion of capillaries, blood circulation improves and blood pressure decreases. Such baths have an antipsychotic effect, reduce excitability, saturate the body with oxygen, relax muscles, and reduce pain syndromes.

Anticellulite massage
Anticellulite massage

The procedure of exposure to the skin and subcutaneous fat using special techniques. With proper massage, the following effects are achieved: improvement of capillary blood circulation, lymph flow, muscle tone, skin structure, cell nutrition and acceleration of their renewal, the process of removing harmful substances and excess fluid is activated, pores open, immunity increases.

Pearl bath
Pearl bath

Pearl bath is a hydrotherapy procedure, which is aimed at relaxation, healing and treatment of diseases.

Impact on the body:

Pearl bath affects the body through hydromassage with the help of water and air. The procedure normalizes blood pressure, stabilizes lymph outflow, reduces pain syndromes, relaxes muscles, strengthens the immune system, has an antipsychotic effect, reduces excitability and improves well-being. Pearl bath has a calming effect on the nervous system, restores nervous regulation of muscles.

Indications for appointment:

• arterial hypertension of 1-2 degrees;

• pain sensations;

• diseases of the central and peripheral nervous systems;

• diseases of the spine and musculoskeletal system;

• hypertension;

• metabolic disorders;

• sleep disorders;

• functional disorders of the nervous system

• fatigue;

• increased immunity.

Contraindications to the appointment:

• inflammatory processes in the body;

• phlebeurysm;

• purulent skin diseases;

• diabetes;

• acute cardiovascular diseases;

• thrombophlebitis.

How is the procedure carried out:

At the bottom of the bath, there is a special grate through which air enters under pressure. As a result, large air bubbles are formed, which carry out hydromassage together with water flows. This procedure can be carried out both on the basis of ordinary water, and with the use of mineral and thermal waters. The best therapeutic effect is achievable in the supine position. The duration of the hydromassage is up to 15 minutes.

Whirlpool baths for hands
Whirlpool baths for hands

Carrying out massage of the upper limbs in a special bath with the help of vortex water flows. A positive effect is achieved due to water pressure: joint pain and general tension are relieved, blood flow in the limbs increases, oxygenation of all organs occurs, the skin becomes elastic and elastic.

Individual physiotherapy
Individual physiotherapy

An important method of healing the body, based on reducing pain, relieving swelling and inflammation. When performing special rehabilitation exercises, the patient's pain sensations decrease, the condition of the ligaments, muscles, and joints improves, the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system resumes.

Local cryotherapy
Local cryotherapy

The use of cold in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. A short exposure to cold stimulates the body's adaptation, reduces swelling, improves motor functions, stops inflammation processes, and increases resistance to stress.

Payments options

Оплату можно произвести банковской карточкой Visa, MasterCard, American Express, и наличными деньгами (евро, доллары, валюта страны).

При оплате банковской картой возможна конвертация.

True hotel guest reviews
Overall hotel rating
based on 20 reviews
  • Treatment assessment
  • Room assessment
  • Nutrition assessment
  • doctor assessment
  • Service assessment
Зухра Яляева
Sep 11, 2021

Отель по удобствам хороший, все нормально и по питанию. Лечение проходили в лечебном центре напротив отеля, качество процедур устроило.

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Тамила Меммедова
Sep 11, 2021

Тепло, уютно, дружелюбно и очень хорошо было в этом отеле. Все было прекрасно, отрицательных моментов мы не искали. Подлечились радоном, отдохнули, очень довольны.

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Лада Беренгольц
Jul 23, 2021

Нам понравилась только хороший врач Яна Драница. Из неудобств - рецепция не в здании отеля. Соответственно, девушки на рецепции заняты не только гостями отеля, но и всеми посетителями Агриколы. Приходится долго ждать когда кто-нибудь освободится. Столовая в отеле не на высшем уровне. Формат буфета заставляет идти «в первых рядах» так как было несколько раз что нечего было есть, так как блюда закочились и новые порции никто не доставлял. Белье меняли один раз в неделю. Лечение безусловно хорошее, но комфорта мало, в следующий раз будем рассматривать другой вариант.

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Моника Жахаева
Jul 2, 2021

Нам все понравилось: очень уютный номер с красивым видом из окна. С удовольствием ходили на процедуры в Agricola: находится рядышком, небольшая прогулка, внимательный персонал, внимательное проведение процедур. Приятная обстановка в ресторане, достаточный выбор блюд. Остались довольны за такой бюджет.

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Дилбер Хасанова
Feb 12, 2021

В санатории " Астория " в Яхимове лечилась в январе этого года. В Яхимове созданы все условия для лечения опорно-двигательной системы. Весь персонал говорит на русском языке. Лечение проходит в здании напротив отеля Астория. Медперсонал очень хороший и отзывчивый. Качество лечения очень высокое и дает хороший результат. Питание в санатории довольно разнообразное и вкусное.

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Алексей Ревазов
Mar 16, 2020

В Астории уже второй раз, все очень нравится, планируем вернуться в следующем году. Большой выбор вкусных блюд, всегда все свежее. Красивый и удобный номер. Качественное лечение, процедуры очень удобно назначены. Персонал очень приятный.

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Виктория Сулаева
Mar 15, 2020

Была уже несколько раз в этом отеле. На ресепшн все очень вежливые. Ходила на прием к доктору Яне, очень хорошая, медсестры тоже замечательные! Питание в этот раз было плохое! На завтрак через день варили кашу из ячменя, я 2 раза попробовала, а потом и перестала ее вообще брать, овощи для салата были непонятно когда порезаны, прямо видно, редко когда свежие.

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Надежда Демчишин
Mar 9, 2020

Чистый и просторный отель. Процедуры проводятся в другом здании, зимой это, конечно не совсем комфортно, но нам было приятно пройти по свежему воздуху, тем более что сам лечебный центр просторный, никаких очередей, качественное оборудование и очень приятный персонал.

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Светлана Шеппель
Feb 10, 2020

Понравился отель, был достаточно комфортным и удобным. Также лечебный центр очень хороший. Радонотерапия творит чудеса!

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Олег Бровко
Feb 4, 2020
Very good

Тихий, уютный, камерный отель. Здесь все по-домашнему. Хоть и состоит из 3-х трехэтажных корпусов, но проживающие встречаются зачастую только в ресторане. Нет никаких очередей, везде чистота. Мебель простая, но все необходимое есть и в хорошем состоянии, в ванной комнате 3 полотенца, которые меняют, если бросишь на пол, хоть каждый день. Постельное, правда за 14 дней поменяли один раз. Каждый день ванны и водные процедуры. В номерах нет фенов и чайных принадлежностей. Через дорогу водолечебница с бассейном и хорошие скверики вокруг. Питание повторяется с какой-то периодичностью, но всегда все свеженькое, одновременно предлагается 3-4 каждого блюда на выбор. В целом мне все очень понравилось. В Яхимове - красота, покой, лечение, комфортные гостиницы. Главное- есть результат от лечения радоновыми источниками.

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Эдуард Шиндиев
Jan 26, 2020
Very good

Номера довольно хорошие в новом здании Астория. Я жила одна в двухместном номере, прекрасная кровать, шикарные матрасы, неплохая мебель, комната большая, коридор большой с гардеробом, шкаф в отдельной нише, ванная комната с душем удобная. Мне всё понравилось. 2 недели маловато,в следующий раз как минимум на 3 недели поеду, там очень красиво.

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Татьяна Филимонова
Jan 14, 2020

Красота, спокойствие, комфортный отель. Ехали в Яхимов ради лечения радоновыми источниками, однозначно результатом довольны. Регулярно ходит автобус до Карловых Вар (дорога занимает около получаса времени) и мы несколько раз ездили туда на экскурсии. Лечебные процедуры проходят в соседнем корпусе, очередей никогда не наблюдали.

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Ирина Яргина
Nov 1, 2019

Чистейший воздух, пешие прогулки по лесу, отзывчивый персонал, говорящий по русски, вполне удовлетворительное размещение. Питание вполне приличное, вкусно!

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Любовь Федорова
Oct 17, 2019
Very good

Расположение на ровной местности, комфорт в номере. Питание на среднем уровне, но голодными не были, ассортимент блюд меняют. В целом неплохо. Лечение понравилось, отличные процедуры.

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Любовь Евсютина
Aug 14, 2019
Very good

Очень внимательный персонал на лечебных процедурах. Большой выбор процедур. Есть замечания по еде в ресторане Астории. Мало диетических блюд из овощей. А также готовые блюда обычно были пересолены.

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Людмила Тотиева
Jul 12, 2019

Отель расположен напротив центра Агриколы и прекрасного парка. Вполне хороший отель, прекрасный вид из окна номера, неплохое питание, все свежее и довольно вкусно приготовлено, очень дружелюбный персонал, хороший спектр процедур. Единственное, у входа несколько лестниц, и гостям с серьезными проблемами опорно-двигательного аппарата может быть с этим сложновато.

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Анна Дейнеко
May 6, 2019
Very good

Удобное расположение, очень близко от лечебницы Агрикола. Просторная комната с видом на парк , очень тихо. Свежее и достаточно разнообразное питание. Внимательный и отзывчивый персонал. Все лечебные процедуры выполнялись вовремя без задержек. В номере очень удобный ортопедический матрас, но к сожалению нет чайного уголка в комнате.

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Юрий Сидоров
May 3, 2019
Very good

Удобное расположение отеля. Уютный номер, хорошая столовая с очень вкусной едой. Персонал отеля и в санатории приветлив и предупредителен. Большой минус это отсутствие регулярный уборки в номере. Постельное белье меняли всего один раз, и то только после нашей жалобы на ресепшн.

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Юлия Рахматова
Jan 15, 2019

Очень понравилось место расположения: как Яхимова, так и самого отеля. Прекрасный чистый воздух, вокруг лес, везде птички поют. Тот факт, что нужно выходить из отеля на процедуры, мне лично даже больше нравится: сходил на процедуру, погулял в скверике 20-30 минут, пошел на другую. Ресторан в отеле, еда замечательная, разнообразия мне хватило. Чисто в отеле, убирают каждый день. Ресепшн через дорогу в здании, где процедуры. Персонал очень вежливый везде. Поможет ли лечение, покажет время. Но многие приезжают по несколько раз.

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Анастасия Внукова
Jan 2, 2019

Хороший выбор назначенных процедур, точность аккуратность их выполнения. Спокойная тихая обстановка везде. Профессиональное обслуживание. Палки для скандинавской ходьбы дают только в прокат - 50 крон в день и это довольно дороговато. Питание неплохое, вполне соответствует категории отеля.

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To order a transfer, send us a request by e-mail [email protected]. Specify:


  • which airport are you arriving at
  • date and time of arrival
  • flight number
  • which hotel do you need to be taken to
  • last name/first name
  • what type of transfer do you need: group or individual


If you arrive at the bus station, indicate the date of arrival, flight number, time of arrival, and if at the railway station - the date of arrival, train and car number, arrival time.


Transfer prices can be obtained from the manager of

Balneologist's opinion

Hotel "Astoria 3 *" is located in the center of the resort part of the city. It does not have its own medical department. All complex medical services, medical procedures are carried out in the balneological department of the Agricola Resort Center, which is located 50 meters from the hotel. Each room has a balcony and a private kitchenette.

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