Benefits and Services
Benefits and Services
  • Swimming pool
  • Mineral water procedures
  • salt cave
  • The newest hotel in Marianske Lazne
  • Own drinking source of mineral water "Forest"
  • Medical supervision 24/7

  • SPA Center

  • DIET


  • Doctor's work

  • The work of the balneocenter

  • Staff language skills

  • Internet



  • Treatment of children


Grandhotel Nabokov is the newest hotel in Marianske Lazne. Opened in May 2018. Due to its novelty, Nabokov is now one of the most comfortable hotels in the resort. The hotel has a good location, 150 meters from the Central Colonnade with drinking mineral springs. The hotel provides facilities for disabled people. Mineral water from the "Lesnoy" spring was supplied to the medical department of the hotel for mineral baths and a drinking treatment course.

Rooms at spa hotel
Suite Exclusive
    • SUITE - Exclusive
    • Room capacity: 2
    • 120 m²

Room features

taxes and fees included

Payments options
Room features
  • WIFI
  • TV
  • Carpet
  • Mini bar
  • Safe
  • Shower
  • Phone
  • Hair dryer
  • Bathrope and slippers
  • Fridge
  • Kettle
  • Air conditioner
  • Towel
  • Towel dryer
  • A tea set
  • Shower cosmetics
View from the room

courtyard view, street view

Other room features

non-smoking room

Deluxe Suite
    • SUITE - De Luxe
    • Room capacity: 2
    • 65 m²

Room features

taxes and fees included

Payments options
Room features
  • WIFI
  • TV
  • Carpet
  • Mini bar
  • Safe
  • Shower
  • Phone
  • Bath
  • Jacuzzi
  • Hair dryer
  • Ironing equipment
  • Bathrope and slippers
  • Fridge
  • Kettle
  • Air conditioner
  • Towel
  • Towel dryer
  • A tea set
  • Iron
  • Shower cosmetics
Suite Room
    • SUITE
    • Room capacity: 2
    • 52 m²

Room features

taxes and fees included

Payments options
Room features
  • WIFI
  • TV
  • Bidet
  • Carpet
  • Mini bar
  • Safe
  • Shower
  • Phone
  • Hair dryer
  • Ironing equipment
  • Bathrope and slippers
  • Fridge
  • Kettle
  • Air conditioner
  • Balcony
  • Towel
  • Towel dryer
  • A tea set
  • Iron
View from the room

courtyard view, street view

Junior Suite
    • SUITE - Junior
    • Room capacity: 2
    • 45 m²

Room features

taxes and fees included

Payments options
Room features
  • WIFI
  • TV
  • Carpet
  • Mini bar
  • Safe
  • Phone
  • Hair dryer
  • Bathrope and slippers
  • Fridge
  • Kettle
  • Air conditioner
  • Towel
  • Towel dryer
  • A tea set
  • Bath or shower
  • Shower cosmetics
View from the room

courtyard view, street view

Other room features

non-smoking room

Double room "Superior"
    • DBL - Superior
    • Room capacity: 2
    • 28 m²

Room features

taxes and fees included

Payments options
Room features
  • WIFI
  • TV
  • Carpet
  • Mini bar
  • Safe
  • Shower
  • Phone
  • Hair dryer
  • Bathrope and slippers
  • Fridge
  • Kettle
  • Balcony
  • Towel
  • Towel dryer
  • A tea set
  • Shower cosmetics
View from the room

courtyard view, street view

Other room features

non-smoking room

Single room "Comfort"
    • SGL - Comfort
    • Room capacity: 1
    • 22 m²

Room features

taxes and fees included

Payments options
Room features
  • WIFI
  • TV
  • Carpet
  • Mini bar
  • Safe
  • Shower
  • Phone
  • Hair dryer
  • Bathrope and slippers
  • Fridge
  • Kettle
  • Towel
  • Towel dryer
  • A tea set
  • Shower cosmetics
View from the room

courtyard view, street view

Other room features

non-smoking room

Double room "Comfort"
    • DBL - Comfort
    • Room capacity: 2
    • 22 m²

Room features

taxes and fees included

Payments options
Room features
  • WIFI
  • TV
  • Carpet
  • Mini bar
  • Safe
  • Shower
  • Phone
  • Hair dryer
  • Bathrope and slippers
  • Fridge
  • Kettle
  • Towel
  • Towel dryer
  • A tea set
  • Shower cosmetics
View from the room

courtyard view, street view

Other room features

non-smoking room

    • APARTMENT - Goethe
    • Room capacity: 3
    • 118 m²

Room features

taxes and fees included

Payments options
Room features
  • WIFI
  • TV
  • Bidet
  • Carpet
  • Kitchen
  • Mini bar
  • Safe
  • Shower
  • Phone
  • Jacuzzi
  • Hair dryer
  • Ironing equipment
  • Bathrope and slippers
  • Fridge
  • Kettle
  • Towel
  • Towel dryer
  • A tea set
  • Iron
  • Shower cosmetics
View from the room

courtyard view, street view

Other room features

non-smoking room

Medical base of spa hotel
Water supplied from a source
Water supplied from a source

Medicinal water from a source for conducting water procedures has been brought to the medical department. What specific water procedures use thermal or mineral water depends on the capabilities of the spa hotel itself.

Gas injections
Gas injections

Carboxytherapy or CO2 gas injections is a medical procedure in which carbon dioxide is injected subcutaneously. Medical gas is injected subcutaneously with an ultra-fine needle and is painless. Cell regeneration is accelerated, the procedure has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves pain, activates the circulatory system, tightens the skin, and slows down aging. Due to the saturation of tissues with oxygen, fatty tissue is destroyed, toxins and slags are removed.

Bowel lavage
Bowel lavage

The procedure for cleansing the body by washing the large intestine. Under pressure, thermal water or ordinary water with a medical preparation enters the intestine and the resulting mass is further withdrawn through a tube. The procedure is absolutely painless. A session of hydro colon therapy replaces about thirty enemas, cleanses the rectum, large and small intestines from adhering particles and solid sediment. Stagnant deposits that have a toxic effect on the body completely disappear. Mineral water normalizes the microflora, boosts the immune system.

Carbonic bath
Carbonic bath

Carbon dioxide, getting into the blood through the pores, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular and central nervous systems. The gas is much lower than the water temperature and is 12-25°C, due to which the skin experiences a two-phase massage, the point effect of which is achieved due to the volatilization of gas bubbles from the surface of the body. Due to this, vasodilation occurs, blood circulation increases, metabolism and the activity of the nervous system normalize. The patient is immersed in a carbon dioxide bath for 10-20 minutes, the temperature of which is 35-37°C.

Mud applications
Mud applications

Mud applications are cold and hot. Hot is used to relieve pain in the joints and muscles, to relax, they improve vascular tone. Cold - have a tightening and rejuvenating effect and are used in cosmetology. Mud has a pronounced disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect, allows you to normalize metabolic processes, and also replaces painkillers.

Mud bath
Mud bath

The procedure saturates with useful chemicals, warms up the internal organs, reduces muscle tone, pain syndromes, lowers blood pressure, and also serves as a prevention of many diseases. Mud baths increase blood circulation, improve metabolic processes and the functioning of the cardiovascular system in the body. Therapeutic mud is diluted with mineral or freshwater. The mud temperature is 36-38°С. Time spent in the bath - 20 minutes.


Inhalation is a medical procedure used to influence the respiratory organs by inhaling the vapors of thermal mineral water or with medicinal substances. The duration of the procedure and medicinal substances are determined by the doctor individually. Inhalations are carried out in each spa hotel and are included in the standard treatment package.

Scottish shower
Scottish shower

Scottish shower has a strong tonic effect, improves hemodynamics, metabolism and activates the body's immune system. During hydrotherapy, muscle massage takes place, pain syndrome disappears in case of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The procedure alternately uses hot water heated to 38-40°C for 30-40 seconds and cold water at a temperature of 18-20°C for 10-15 seconds.

Oxygen therapy
Oxygen therapy

It is carried out through inhalation. The patient inhales oxygen through a mask or nasal inserts. Oxygen therapy stimulates the circulatory system, saturates tissues with oxygen, increases the level of oxygen in the blood plasma, improves memory and thinking, reduces the level of anemia, and normalizes the activity of the heart. The beneficial effect persists for a long time, which contributes to the subsequent cell regeneration and strengthening of the immune system.

Dry carbonic bath
Dry carbonic bath

The gas entering the body is completely dissolved in the blood plasma. All vessels and capillaries are exposed to it - they expand, which improves blood circulation. As a result, blood thinning occurs, which has a positive effect on the nervous system. Oxygen saturation helps to lower blood pressure, the active work of the lymphatic system. The expansion of blood vessels improves blood supply to muscle tissues, and insulin interacts more dynamically with its receptors, thereby reducing sugar levels.

Whirlpool foot bath
Whirlpool foot bath

Carrying out massage of the lower extremities in a special bath with the help of vortex water flows. The procedure can be carried out both in ordinary and in mineral water. A positive effect is achieved due to water pressure: joint pain and general tension are relieved, blood flow in the limbs increases, oxygenation of all organs occurs, the skin becomes elastic and elastic.

Diet therapy
Diet therapy

Diet therapy is one of the methods of treatment by maintaining a proper diet using special diets. The balanced use of products serves as an effective prevention and is prescribed for almost all diseases of the body. Diet therapy is necessary when undergoing treatment programs in the spa hotel and resort area. It has a positive effect on the affected organs and improves their function, normalizes metabolism, stimulates the restoration of affected tissues, strengthens the immune system.


Treatment with high-frequency ultrasonic vibrations. The basis of the impact of ultrasound on the body is thermal and mechanical energy. This increases hemodynamics and metabolism in tissues, reduces muscle tension, anesthetizes, and has an anti-inflammatory effect in diseases of the musculoskeletal system.


It has analgesic, vasodilating, regenerating, stimulating and restorative effect. It activates the circulatory system, lowers blood pressure, improves the elasticity of connective tissue in the body, strengthens the immune system, normalizes the acid-base balance, stimulates the formation of collagen, relieves headaches.

Laser therapy
Laser therapy

The procedure activates metabolic processes in the body, dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation and the functioning of the lymphatic system, saturates the blood with oxygen, relieves inflammation, has antibacterial, antiviral and regenerating properties, accelerates the removal of decay products from tissues, reduces blood viscosity, cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of blood clots. After several procedures, pain disappears, joint mobility improves, swelling is removed.

Manual lymphatic drainage
Manual lymphatic drainage

A special massage technique that helps cleanse blood vessels and increase the tone of their walls. After the first physiotherapy, there is a surge of vivacity and lightness, after the second - edema disappears, small visible vessels disappear, skin color evens out. Further, there is an improvement in metabolic processes in all skin cells, weight is normalized, venous circulation improves, the process of removing toxins is accelerated, and cellulite disappears.

Hardware lymphatic drainage
Hardware lymphatic drainage

The procedure is aimed at restoring the water balance in the body, removing edema, congestion, increasing figure correction, resorption of fat deposits, small scars and scars, as well as the rapid removal of toxic substances from the body. It has a positive effect on the immune system, improves the condition of blood vessels, activates metabolic processes.


A therapeutic method of physiotherapy, in which certain reflex points on the human body are affected by acupuncture. With the help of acupuncture, a certain segment of the brain is stimulated, which is responsible for the functioning of a particular organ. The procedure has an analgesic effect, relieves muscle spasms, strengthens the immune system and serves as a good prevention of many diseases.

Aromatic massage
Aromatic massage

Joint influence on human skin by classical methods of therapeutic massage and aromatic oils. Aroma massage has a pronounced relaxation and restorative effect, relieves muscle tone and reduces pain.

Underwater massage
Underwater massage

Underwater shower has a complex effect on the entire body. Thanks to this, muscle tone is relaxed, pain syndromes are reduced, and a multi-level deep tissue massage is performed. Such procedures are used for both medical and cosmetic purposes.

General massage
General massage

Massage is the most popular procedure of reflex or mechanical influence on the human body in order to stimulate and normalize the work of the body. During the procedure, a beneficial effect on the muscular system occurs, the body's metabolic processes are activated, blood circulation improves, and skin elasticity increases. It has a rejuvenating, regenerating, anti-inflammatory and relaxing effect, has a calming effect on the nervous system, regulates the autonomic functions of the body, stimulates the removal of toxins from the body, improves immunity, relieves pain.

Partial massage
Partial massage

Massage only problematic areas of a person with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Massage actions help to activate the work of muscle tissue. Massaging the skin leads to improved blood circulation, burning of metabolic products, improved appetite, promotes the resorption of edema.

Hot stone massage
Hot stone massage

A combination of different types of massage using hot volcanic rocks. Stone therapy is prescribed to improve blood circulation, regulate the functioning of the nervous, immune and lymphatic systems, and reduce pain.

Gymnastics in the gym
Gymnastics in the gym

Gymnastics in the gym is one of the main methods of physiotherapy with the use of physical activity. During exercise, blood circulation increases, the work of the musculoskeletal system improves, the general physical condition and performance of the patient improve.

Salt cave
Salt cave

The patient's condition improves after the first procedure. Trace elements in the air help to improve the respiratory system, normalize metabolism, reduce inflammation, strengthen immunity, reduce allergy symptoms, and improve the functioning of the central nervous system.

Biolamp Biostimulus
Biolamp Biostimulus

A type of phototherapy that uses long wavelengths of light. The influence of light leads to the renewal of the cell metabolism process, which contributes to the development of regeneration and an increase in immunity. This method is effectively used in the treatment of burns, slow healing of wounds and alleviation of pain in muscles and joints.

Reflex foot massage
Reflex foot massage

Activation of acupressure points on the surface of the foot, responsible for different organs. With the help of a special massage technique, the internal organs are affected, the work of the vegetative system is normalized, pain sensations are reduced, and the process of wound healing is accelerated.

Four-chamber galvanic bath
Four-chamber galvanic bath

Combining the work of warm water and direct current, the procedure stimulates blood circulation, reduces pain and improves tissue metabolism.

Local cryotherapy
Local cryotherapy

The use of cold in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. A short exposure to cold stimulates the body's adaptation, reduces swelling, improves motor functions, stops inflammation processes, and increases resistance to stress.

Mineral bath
Mineral bath

Due to the warm temperature of the water, the pores open up to the maximum, blood circulation increases and useful minerals enter the body, and toxins and toxins come out. Such procedures reduce pain in patients with radiculitis, arthritis, osteochondrosis. Immunity is strengthened, resistance to infections, colds, stress increases, and all muscle tissues relax. Chemicals in water enter the body through the skin and through the upper respiratory tract.

Payments options

Оплату можно произвести банковской карточкой Visa, MasterCard, American Express, и наличными деньгами (евро, доллары, валюта страны).

При оплате банковской картой возможна конвертация.

True hotel guest reviews
Overall hotel rating
based on 20 reviews
  • Treatment assessment
  • Room assessment
  • Nutrition assessment
  • doctor assessment
  • Service assessment
Алекс Лорис
Dec 25, 2021

Отдохнули хорошо, нам очень понравилось, очень доброжелательный персонал санатория, расписание процедур очень удобное, все можно пройти до обеда, остается свободное время на прогулки, выражаем свою благодарность за хорошую организацию нашего отдыха

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Стефан Морисон
Sep 11, 2021

Понравилось расположение, комфортный большой номер. Чистота везде, все новое. Внимательная доктор. А главное результат. Мы объективно чувствуем себя лучше. И обдумываем, когда сможем приехать сюда еще раз .

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Адам Грейс
Apr 16, 2021

Отель большой. Так и сияет новизной и чистотой! Просторные номера. Лечение на самом высоком уровне. Доброжелательный персонал и внимательный, думающий врач. Понравилось все. Буду рекомендовать друзьям и знакомым.

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Рудольф Яцек
Apr 3, 2021

Я с супругой, очень довольны лечением, проживанием и питанием в санатории Гранд Отель Набоков. Я уже там второй раз и , надеюсь, не последний. Спасибо за помощь и понимание. Думаю, мы еще не раз к Вам обратимся и надеемся на взаимность. Мы же с вами уже более 7 раз путешествуем и лечимся.

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Мирко Зазумчик
Nov 10, 2020

Все прекрасно, большое спасибо всем ! Лечение, питание, обслуживание все на высшем уровне. Отличное соотношение цены и качества!! Не первый год пользуемся услугами фирмы Bookspahotel и спасибо работникам фирмы за четкость и надежность.

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Ирина Иванченко
Mar 29, 2020

Отель новый. Всё чисто, удобно, продуманно. Ресторан просто прекрасный. Вкусно, всё свежее, кофемашина с зерновым кофе, чай, соки не только на завтрак. Спа зона просто шикарная. Опытные и внимательные врачи. Удобные номера. Отель очень удобно расположен. Рядом источники, лес, транспорт.

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Марина Лебидько
Mar 2, 2020

Красивый отель. Прекрасное расположение, хороший просторный номер с удобной кроватью и красивым постельным бельем. В номере есть чайник и чайные принадлежности. Лечение стандартное. Питание разнообразное. Обслуживающий персонал в ресторане внимательный и доброжелательный. В отеле очень чисто и уютно. Есть хорошая сауна и бассейн.

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Оксана Овдиенко
Dec 27, 2019

Удобен в расположении. Отличная кухня. Приветливый и профессиональный персонал. Лечебная База на высоком уровне, отвечает любым требованиям. Одним словом- СУПЕР.

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Тарас Кащенко
Nov 5, 2019

Очень понравилось и лечение и питание и расположение отеля всё было великолепно. Отель новый и оборудование медицинское и SPA новое. Питание шведский стол, разнообразное и вкусное. Врач очень добрая, отзывчивая всегда готова помочь. Персонал доброжелательный. Колоннада рядом 5 минут ходьбы. Отель в который хочется вернуться.

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Елена Сорокина
Nov 1, 2019

Хороший, новый отель, все очень хорошо. Питание отличное, лечение и сервис тоже. Очень хороший персонал. Отель расположен близко к центральным источникам (Каролина, Рудольф) с другой стороны отличный парк. В ресторане хороший выбор блюд, каждый день что-то новое. Номера теплые, большой телевизор с русскими каналами. Паркинг во дворе отеля, платный, вот только мест там не много, но можно оставить машину на центральном паркинге, который находится недалеко. Большое спасибо за отличный отдых.

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Лидия Максименко
Sep 28, 2019

Все очень понравилось. Получила удовольствие. Познакомилась с хорошими людьми. Приветливый персонал, чистота, отличные процедуры. Надеюсь, что помогут. Спасибо за трансфер. Обязательно приеду еще.

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Раиса Марус
Aug 16, 2019

Хороший отель , рядом колоннада с минеральной водой и лес с прогулочными маршрутами. Город маленький, спокойный, много цветов и зелени. Много предложений по экскурсиям. Отель чистый и уютный. Еда хорошая. Приятно находится в ресторане с большими панорамными окнами. Спасибо сотрудникам отеля за помощь и внимание.

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Алла Кравец
Aug 15, 2019

Прекрасное месторасположение отеля, пожалуй, лучшее на курорте. Новый отель, удобные и отлично оборудованные номера. Красивый просторный ресторан с приятной атмосферой, внимательные девочки-официантки. Великолепный кофе и потрясающие десерты на завтрак , обед и ужин. Еда вкусная, повара стараются. В целом осталось приятное впечатление об отеле.

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Мирослава Кузько
Aug 9, 2019

Я очень довольна выбором этого отеля. Довольны и лечением , и отдыхом в Гранд Отеле Набоков! Хочется надеяться, что цена и качество останутся без изменения! Очень впечатлили экскурсии и прогулки по улочкам !

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Алеся Моргун
Jul 26, 2019

По размерам отель довольно большой, но ориентироваться в нем просто и легко. Медицинский персонал, в основном, доброжелательный. Легко откликаются на просьбы. Очень хорошие минеральные ванны. В ресторане обслуживают украинские девушки. Все симпатичные и старательные. Весь персонал ресторана приветливый. Основной негатив связан с питанием. Первые два дня нашего пребывания был заявленный шведский стол, никаких проблем не было. Затем , в связи с малым количеством гостей, перевели на заказ блюд по меню.

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Ефим Кардаш
Jun 22, 2019

Замечательный отдых. Все достойно. Разнообразное питание. Внимательный персонал. Качественная уборка комнат. Удобное расположение отеля. Хочется отметить четкую работу Bookspahotel. Приличная лечебная база. Замечательный бассейн и сауны. Надеемся отдохнуть еще не раз в этом отеле. Спасибо

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Марина Янковская
Jun 14, 2019

Перед поездкой были некоторые сомнения . Всё оказалось замечательно . Лечение - прекрасное . Есть прекрасный бассейн , сауны, соляная пещера и множество других процедур , необходимых для лечения опорно - двигательной системы. Питание -прекрасное. Размещение отеля - великолепное, 3 минуты от источника. Персонал - очень доброжелательный . Хочу поблагодарить весь персонал отеля за прекрасно организованное лечение и отдых .

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Нина Грушевская
Jun 1, 2019

Отель находится рядом с колоннадой. Работа персонала на отлично, лечение было проведено на хорошем уровне. Был отменен шведский стол, что очень огорчило. Завтраки были хорошие, но однообразные. Можно было бы ввести творожные запеканки, сырники в меню. На ужин не всегда были вкусные блюда.

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Таисия Измаилова
Mar 31, 2019

Отдыхали в отеле Nabokov три недели. Отель красивый и комфортный. Находится в идеальном месте. Персонал дружелюбный. Внимательный доктор, профессиональный медицинский персонал. Лечение стандартное. Хороший ресторан. Еда не слишком разнообразная, но вполне съедобная. Номер удобный,чистый. Тихо, уютно. Хорошая погода в октябре. Удивительная природа!

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Евгений Осипенко
Jan 4, 2019

Очень понравилось и отдых и лечение. Всё новое, белоснежная постель, полотенца и халаты. Новая мебель и красивое половое покрытие. Шикарный бассейн , джакузи и сауна. Врачи внимательные и хорошо говорят на русском. С питанием тоже без проблем, всё свежее и вкусное. Колоннада с водичкой совсем рядом. Можно приезжать на выходные просто с друзьями попариться в баньке. Рекомендую, не пожалеете времени и денег.

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To order a transfer, send us a request by e-mail [email protected]. Specify:


  • which airport are you arriving at
  • date and time of arrival
  • flight number
  • which hotel do you need to be taken to
  • last name/first name
  • what type of transfer do you need: group or individual


If you arrive at the bus station, indicate the date of arrival, flight number, time of arrival, and if at the railway station - the date of arrival, train and car number, arrival time.


Transfer prices can be obtained from the manager of

Balneologist's opinion

"Grandhotel Nabokov" is a combination of comfort, good level of service, modern approach to the organization of the treatment process. The hotel is one of the newest in the resort and one of the most popular. Stylish interior design, a wide selection of dishes in the restaurant, the presence of a drinking source of mineral water, a large selection of procedures - all this attracts guests of "Nabokov".

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