Benefits and Services
Benefits and Services
  • Location in the center of the resort
  • Children's room
  • Convenient and comfortable rooms
  • Kitchen for cooking for children

  • SPA Center

  • DIET


  • Doctor's work

  • The work of the balneocenter

  • Staff language skills

  • Internet

  • Sport



  • Treatment of children


"Kamenne" is a hotel with an excellent therapeutic base and equipment for the treatment of children with cerebral palsy. All procedures with children are carried out by highly qualified specialists in specially equipped rooms. The hotel also has a swimming pool with thermal mineral water supplied to the balneological center and a salt cave. For the convenience of parents, the hotel "Kamenne" is equipped with a small kitchen. In addition, a separate hall of the restaurant is connected to a children's playroom, in which children can play at a time when their parents eat.

Rooms at spa hotel
Одноместный номер
    • SGL
    • Room capacity: 1
    • 14 m²

Room features

taxes and fees included

Payments options
Room features
  • WIFI
  • Towel
  • Fridge
  • Bathrope and slippers
  • Hair dryer
  • Phone
  • Shower
  • Radio
  • Safe
  • Carpet
  • TV
View from the room

street view, city view

Other room features

Room service, non-smoking room

Double Room
    • DBL
    • Room capacity: 2
    • 14 m²

Room features

taxes and fees included

Payments options
Room features
  • WIFI
  • Towel
  • Fridge
  • Bathrope and slippers
  • Hair dryer
  • Phone
  • Shower
  • Radio
  • Safe
  • Carpet
  • TV
View from the room

street view, city view

Other room features

Room service, non-smoking room

Medical base of spa hotel
Own medical base
Own medical base

The medical base of the spa hotel includes a balneological and physiotherapy department. At mud resorts, usually, spa hotels also have their own mud baths. Treatment bases differ in size, the number of procedures offered by medical equipment, availability/absence of a diagnostic laboratory.

Water supplied from a source
Water supplied from a source

Medicinal water from a source for conducting water procedures has been brought to the medical department. What specific water procedures use thermal or mineral water depends on the capabilities of the spa hotel itself.

Gas injections
Gas injections

Carboxytherapy or CO2 gas injections is a medical procedure in which carbon dioxide is injected subcutaneously. Medical gas is injected subcutaneously with an ultra-fine needle and is painless. Cell regeneration is accelerated, the procedure has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves pain, activates the circulatory system, tightens the skin, and slows down aging. Due to the saturation of tissues with oxygen, fatty tissue is destroyed, toxins and slags are removed.


Inhalation is a medical procedure used to influence the respiratory organs by inhaling the vapors of thermal mineral water or with medicinal substances. The duration of the procedure and medicinal substances are determined by the doctor individually. Inhalations are carried out in each spa hotel and are included in the standard treatment package.

Scottish shower
Scottish shower

Scottish shower has a strong tonic effect, improves hemodynamics, metabolism and activates the body's immune system. During hydrotherapy, muscle massage takes place, pain syndrome disappears in case of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The procedure alternately uses hot water heated to 38-40°C for 30-40 seconds and cold water at a temperature of 18-20°C for 10-15 seconds.


Water massage procedure, takes place in a special bath, equipped with numerous built-in jets to influence eight zones of the body. Massage relieves muscle tension, has a relaxing effect, reduces spasms, and creates an analgesic effect, improves blood circulation, metabolism, stimulates the lymphatic system, accelerates the resolution of edema and hematomas.

Paraffin hand wraps
Paraffin hand wraps

One of the most effective procedures in cosmetology and for problems of the musculoskeletal system using paraffin. During the procedure, the skin warms up, its temperature increases and the pores open, which contributes to the active removal of toxins from the body. Paraffin absorbs toxins, and the remaining beneficial substances penetrate back into the skin, relieving it of dryness, and water balance is restored. With such procedures, blood circulation and blood pressure improve, the nervous system calms down.

Bath with herbal supplements
Bath with herbal supplements

When inhaling oil vapors and penetrating them into the body through the skin, a general relaxing effect is produced, the procedure calms the nervous system, has a vasodilating, analgesic, tonic, antiseptic, metabolic, immunomodulating, and cosmetic effect. Baths quickly restore strength, serve as prophylaxis against colds, improve skin condition, remove excess fats due to sweating, and improve lymph circulation. Help to get rid of excess weight.


An electrocardiogram is one of the main methods for diagnosing heart disease. According to the obtained indicators, it is possible to accurately determine the frequency and regularity of heart contractions. The procedure is completely painless and can be prescribed at any age. Not a single spa hotel for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases works without these studies.


Treatment with high-frequency ultrasonic vibrations. The basis of the impact of ultrasound on the body is thermal and mechanical energy. This increases hemodynamics and metabolism in tissues, reduces muscle tension, anesthetizes, and has an anti-inflammatory effect in diseases of the musculoskeletal system.


Impact on the human body with low voltage currents and with a certain frequency. Receiving diadynamic currents by the body promotes muscle contraction, which causes stimulation of the muscles of internal organs and vessel walls. The analgesic effect is achieved by inhibiting the pain impulse.


It has analgesic, vasodilating, regenerating, stimulating and restorative effect. It activates the circulatory system, lowers blood pressure, improves the elasticity of connective tissue in the body, strengthens the immune system, normalizes the acid-base balance, stimulates the formation of collagen, relieves headaches.

Laser therapy
Laser therapy

The procedure activates metabolic processes in the body, dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation and the functioning of the lymphatic system, saturates the blood with oxygen, relieves inflammation, has antibacterial, antiviral and regenerating properties, accelerates the removal of decay products from tissues, reduces blood viscosity, cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of blood clots. After several procedures, pain disappears, joint mobility improves, swelling is removed.

Manual lymphatic drainage
Manual lymphatic drainage

A special massage technique that helps cleanse blood vessels and increase the tone of their walls. After the first physiotherapy, there is a surge of vivacity and lightness, after the second - edema disappears, small visible vessels disappear, skin color evens out. Further, there is an improvement in metabolic processes in all skin cells, weight is normalized, venous circulation improves, the process of removing toxins is accelerated, and cellulite disappears.


Acupressure by pressing fingers on biologically active points. Acupressure not only eliminates pain but also reduces the time of illness, eliminates violations of the functional activity of organs, eliminates the consequences of neurosis (anxiety, restlessness, illness) and tension (stressful state).


A therapeutic method of physiotherapy, in which certain reflex points on the human body are affected by acupuncture. With the help of acupuncture, a certain segment of the brain is stimulated, which is responsible for the functioning of a particular organ. The procedure has an analgesic effect, relieves muscle spasms, strengthens the immune system and serves as a good prevention of many diseases.

Aromatic massage
Aromatic massage

Joint influence on human skin by classical methods of therapeutic massage and aromatic oils. Aroma massage has a pronounced relaxation and restorative effect, relieves muscle tone and reduces pain.

Underwater massage
Underwater massage

Underwater shower has a complex effect on the entire body. Thanks to this, muscle tone is relaxed, pain syndromes are reduced, and a multi-level deep tissue massage is performed. Such procedures are used for both medical and cosmetic purposes.

Reflex massage
Reflex massage

Influence of massage on established areas of the body, reflexively associated with the internal organs of the body. During the massage, a segmental reaction occurs, impulses enter the spinal cord and brain, and the overall work of the whole organism is normalized. The impact of massage does not occur specifically on the organ, but on the zones connected by reflexes with the spinal cord.

General massage
General massage

Massage is the most popular procedure of reflex or mechanical influence on the human body in order to stimulate and normalize the work of the body. During the procedure, a beneficial effect on the muscular system occurs, the body's metabolic processes are activated, blood circulation improves, and skin elasticity increases. It has a rejuvenating, regenerating, anti-inflammatory and relaxing effect, has a calming effect on the nervous system, regulates the autonomic functions of the body, stimulates the removal of toxins from the body, improves immunity, relieves pain.

Partial massage
Partial massage

Massage only problematic areas of a person with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Massage actions help to activate the work of muscle tissue. Massaging the skin leads to improved blood circulation, burning of metabolic products, improved appetite, promotes the resorption of edema.

Spinal traction
Spinal traction

Traction of the spinal column, aimed at strengthening the muscular apparatus of the back, reducing the load on the intervertebral discs, improving the functioning of the blood supply system and venous outflow from the vertebrae.

Gymnastics in the gym
Gymnastics in the gym

Gymnastics in the gym is one of the main methods of physiotherapy with the use of physical activity. During exercise, blood circulation increases, the work of the musculoskeletal system improves, the general physical condition and performance of the patient improve.

Gymnastics in the pool
Gymnastics in the pool

The complex treatment of many problems of the musculoskeletal system is the combination of water and exercise. Since the muscles relax significantly in the water, it is much easier for the patient to perform training. Due to various devices, the spine straightens, the activity of the joints improves, and muscle tissues relax.


A method of light therapy using a special incandescent lamp for a deep and intense effect on the body. Due to the effect of visible infrared rays, the local temperature rises, muscle tissue relaxes, blood vessels expand, lymph and blood circulation increases, metabolism improves, inflammation foci are anesthetized and resolved.

Thermal water pool
Thermal water pool

Mineral elements are absorbed into the body during bathing. Due to its composition, saturated with a large number of salts, macro, and microelements, thermal water helps to cure skin diseases, increases its protective properties, and improves blood circulation. contributes to the recovery of many diseases.

Salt cave
Salt cave

The patient's condition improves after the first procedure. Trace elements in the air help to improve the respiratory system, normalize metabolism, reduce inflammation, strengthen immunity, reduce allergy symptoms, and improve the functioning of the central nervous system.

Reflex foot massage
Reflex foot massage

Activation of acupressure points on the surface of the foot, responsible for different organs. With the help of a special massage technique, the internal organs are affected, the work of the vegetative system is normalized, pain sensations are reduced, and the process of wound healing is accelerated.

Pearl bath with additives
Pearl bath with additives

Water procedure with the addition of various herbs or aroma oils, used in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Due to the expansion of capillaries, blood circulation improves and blood pressure decreases. Such baths have an antipsychotic effect, reduce excitability, saturate the body with oxygen, relax muscles, and reduce pain syndromes.

Anticellulite massage
Anticellulite massage

The procedure of exposure to the skin and subcutaneous fat using special techniques. With proper massage, the following effects are achieved: improvement of capillary blood circulation, lymph flow, muscle tone, skin structure, cell nutrition and acceleration of their renewal, the process of removing harmful substances and excess fluid is activated, pores open, immunity increases.

Pearl bath
Pearl bath

Pearl bath is a hydrotherapy procedure, which is aimed at relaxation, healing and treatment of diseases.

Impact on the body:

Pearl bath affects the body through hydromassage with the help of water and air. The procedure normalizes blood pressure, stabilizes lymph outflow, reduces pain syndromes, relaxes muscles, strengthens the immune system, has an antipsychotic effect, reduces excitability and improves well-being. Pearl bath has a calming effect on the nervous system, restores nervous regulation of muscles.

Indications for appointment:

• arterial hypertension of 1-2 degrees;

• pain sensations;

• diseases of the central and peripheral nervous systems;

• diseases of the spine and musculoskeletal system;

• hypertension;

• metabolic disorders;

• sleep disorders;

• functional disorders of the nervous system

• fatigue;

• increased immunity.

Contraindications to the appointment:

• inflammatory processes in the body;

• phlebeurysm;

• purulent skin diseases;

• diabetes;

• acute cardiovascular diseases;

• thrombophlebitis.

How is the procedure carried out:

At the bottom of the bath, there is a special grate through which air enters under pressure. As a result, large air bubbles are formed, which carry out hydromassage together with water flows. This procedure can be carried out both on the basis of ordinary water, and with the use of mineral and thermal waters. The best therapeutic effect is achievable in the supine position. The duration of the hydromassage is up to 15 minutes.

Individual physiotherapy
Individual physiotherapy

An important method of healing the body, based on reducing pain, relieving swelling and inflammation. When performing special rehabilitation exercises, the patient's pain sensations decrease, the condition of the ligaments, muscles, and joints improves, the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system resumes.

Payments options

Оплату можно произвести банковской карточкой Visa, MasterCard, American Express, и наличными деньгами (евро, доллары, валюта страны).

При оплате банковской картой возможна конвертация.

True hotel guest reviews
Overall hotel rating
based on 20 reviews
  • Treatment assessment
  • Room assessment
  • Nutrition assessment
  • doctor assessment
  • Service assessment
Ричард Брэдбери
May 22, 2021
Very good

Спасибо ребята посоветовали нам этот санаторий , хорошая цена и при этом отличная лечебная база. Внимательное отношение, профессиональное лечение, отличная организация лечения и отдыха.

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Галина Ликунова
May 22, 2020

Прекрасное расположение санатория - в парке в центре города. Лечение среднее, слишком много ванн , даже если они не очень подходят , заменить на что-нибудь другое непросто. Питание среднее. Улучшение самочувствия пока не почувствовала. Говорят должно пройти время.

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Настя Шер
Mar 26, 2020

Отличный санаторий за небольшие деньги. Разнообразие способов восстановительной терапии опорно-двигательного аппарата. Хорошая лечебная база ( термальный бассейн, различные ванны, газовые уколы). Неплохое размещение и уборка номеров. Питание обильное, разнообразное, по меню.

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Анастасия Воротилова
Dec 12, 2019

Санаторий «Каменный» расположен возле парковой зоны курорта Теплице, где очень удобно гулять с детьми. Все лечебно-оздоровительные процедуры проводятся непосредственно в здании санатория. Санаторий располагает бассейном с термальной минеральной водой. Среди очевидных преимуществ санатория также можно выделить наличие отдельной кухни, где родители могут приготовить своему ребенку индивидуальное питание. Также в санатории отдельный зал ресторана соединен с детской комнатой, чтобы ребенок мог поиграть, пока его родители кушают.

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Ганс Рихтер
Nov 15, 2019

Замечательный, приветливый персонал в отеле. Чистота в номере. Добросовестное выполнение процедур. Отсутствие диетического питания (на обед).Очень однообразное питание на завтрак.

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Григорий Крижев
Nov 8, 2019
Very good

Прекрасное расположение санатория, конец февраля - начало март замечательный сезон. Чудесная погода способствовала интенсивным прогулкам по потрясающему парку и окрестностям. Замечательные бальнеологические процедуры. Физиотерапевтические процедуры пока не понятны по действию. Подождём 2 недели, в течение которых должно стать лучше. Внимательный персонал, отзывчивые горничные и официанты в столовой.

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Оксана Пынзарь
Oct 5, 2019
Very good

Прекрасное отношение медперсонала. Особенно понравились термальные ванны и массаж. Планирую повторить лечение на следующий год . Желательно конечно разнообразить питание, завтрак хороший, а вот обед - особенно первое(вода).

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Алена Бондарь
Sep 20, 2019
Very good

Расположение отеля. Приветливый и отзывчивый персонал. Чистота в номере. Добросовестное выполнение процедур строго по времени. Прекрасное экскурсионное обслуживание. Хотелось бы более разнообразное питание, однообразные завтраки. Слабый wi-fi в номере.

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Максим Чистяков
Aug 29, 2019

Хороший отель за хорошую цену!! Нам все понравилось!! Организация принятия процедур великолепная - строго по расписанию. Процедуры выполняются , в качественно и в чистейших помещениях. В столовой большой выбор натертых и нарезанных овощей. Одно я заметил , что назначаются много дублирующих друг друга водных процедур, но тем не менее лечение у них отличное.

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Мария Гордеева
Aug 22, 2019
Very good

Хорошо все, что касается лечения, индивидуальный подход, хорошая организация, качественные процедуры, вежливый персонал. Размещение в номере Комфорт плюс было вполне приемлемым, но стандартные номера больше похожи на больничные палаты. Абсолютно нечем занять себя по вечерам, нет никаких развлекательных мероприятий в санатории, надо искать что-то на стороне.

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Крис Стерн
Aug 2, 2019
Very good

Внимательный персонал, размещение и номер полностью соответствует описанию и фото, отличная организация лечебных процедур. Спасибо за помощь в выборе отеля и дальнейшую организацию трансфера и экскурсий!!

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Марго Дорош
Jul 4, 2019

У санатория красивая парковая зона. Вечерами можно прогуливаться там. Очень хороший санаторий для отдыха и оздоровления детей. По возможности, после процедур можно отправиться на экскурсии, но лучше это делать в выходные дни. Персонал доброжелательный, процедур много. Советую этот санаторий.

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Николай Осипенко
May 28, 2019

Отличное расположение отеля. Отличный персонал. Индивидуальный подход к каждому отдыхающему со стороны врача и персонала лечебного отделения. Немного слабое питание, но если нужно соблюдать диету то самое то, что нужно. Буду рекомендовать друзьям!

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Матвей Панов
May 23, 2019

Отличная лечебная база, высококвалифицированные специалисты. Прекрасное расположение санатория. Понравилось всё. Цена соответствует качеству!! Обязательно приеду ещё. Буду рекомендовать друзьям!!

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Владимир Осипов
May 23, 2019
Very good

Лечение впечатляющее, очень помогло и довольно быстро избавился от боли. Радует то что в этом отеле можно оздоровиться с детьми, если у них есть какие то проблемы, то детям тоже специалисты назначат правильное питание и лечение.

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Юлия Шерентева
May 16, 2019

Отель по уровню сервиса, питания и обстановки в номерах примерно как тройка в Карловых Варах. Но , лечение конечно ни в какое сравнение не идет. На очень высоком уровне лечебные процедуры проходят. Мы очень довольны лечением и оздоровлением в санатории. Спасибо всему персоналу отеля.

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Вячеслав Ковалев
May 9, 2019
Very good

Соотношение цена-качество в санатории очень хорошее. Советую посетить всем желающим. Завтраки - прекрасные, а вот по сравнению с прошлым годом ужины (main dish) стали значительно хуже. Спасибо персоналу и всему медицинскому персоналу за профессионализм и отзывчивость.

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Кирилл Репа
May 3, 2019
Very good

Хороший дружелюбный персонал, процедуры, всегда во время. Рядом находятся торговый центр и супермаркет. Качественная ежедневная уборка. Плохо работает wi-fi в номере. Но ,для нас это было не критично ,так как очень много времени проводили на процедурах а потом на прогулках.

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Ангелина Медведева
Apr 8, 2019
Very good

Прекрасный персонал в столовой. Очень любезен и внимателен. Уборка ежедневная, горничные прекрасные. Вообще, отношение персонала к клиентам очень доброжелательное. Единственное что в нашем номере в душе вода текла неравномерно то кипяток то холодная, слабый напор воды. Но по нашей просьбе потом все исправили. Блюда в столовой стали менее вкусными ,чем в прошлом году.

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Эльвира Моричева
Mar 11, 2019
Very good

Посетила санаторий во второй и надеюсь не в последний раз. Хорошее соотношение цена - качество. Великолепный город Теплице. Номер был маленький, но комфортный. Единственное что при открытой двери шкафа комнатная дверь уже не открыть. Но это не критично. Большое спасибо!

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To order a transfer, send us a request by e-mail [email protected]. Specify:


  • which airport are you arriving at
  • date and time of arrival
  • flight number
  • which hotel do you need to be taken to
  • last name/first name
  • what type of transfer do you need: group or individual


If you arrive at the bus station, indicate the date of arrival, flight number, time of arrival, and if at the railway station - the date of arrival, train and car number, arrival time.


Transfer prices can be obtained from the manager of

Balneologist's opinion

Spa hotel "Kamenne" is distinguished by the ability to accept parents with young children who have cerebral palsy. Everything in the resort is organized in terms of facilities for guests with disabilities. Comfortable rooms, barrier-free access, excellent food, children's playroom.

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