Resorts and spa hotels in Turkey for the disabled
Resorts and spa hotels in Turkey for the disabled

Turkey has highly specialized resorts for people with disabilities. These are not just spa hotels with ramps, as in Europe, in which a barrier-free environment is only in words.

In the resorts of Bursa and Pamukkale for people with disabilities, every little thing is thought through. Hydraulic couches for medical procedures, special pools with a lifting bottom and medical equipment, for which spas spare no expense.

Effective treatment of children with cerebral palsy in Pamukkale

Pam Thermal & Clinic Spa is one of the few spa centers that treat children with cerebral palsy. Thermal water relieves muscle spasm well.

Ukrainian Victoria K. treated her son in the clinics of the CIS, but the therapy had almost no result and was not cheap. After learning about the Nobel clinic, she brought the boy to Pamukkale. The cost of a month of treatment was like the price of 10 days in rehabilitation clinics in Ukraine. A year later, her son can no longer be distinguished from a completely healthy child. He runs, speaks well, takes care of himself, fine motor skills of the hands of a completely healthy baby.

Rommer International Physiotherapy Center in Bursa

He specializes in restoring the motor activity of patients after injuries, operations and severe disorders of motor functions due to damage to the central and peripheral nervous system. They take on the most difficult cases, for example, when the patient needs to restore swallowing and chewing skills. The clinic is supplied with thermal water from the springs of Bursa, and therapeutic mud is used. In terms of the level of equipment with robotic rehabilitation devices, Rommer competes with the best clinics in European countries.

The main benefits of the treatment of disabled people in spa hotels in Turkey:

  • cheaper than in Russia and European countries.
  • The combination of thermal water and physiotherapy gives results faster than treatment in conventional clinics.
  • Turkish spa hotels treat patients with diseases in advanced stages and even with complete paralysis.

You can get a free consultation on choosing a spa hotel in Turkey by calling +7(978) 970-03-36 (Whatsapp, Telegram).

TOP spa hotels in Turkey, where disabled people are raised to their feet, who are refused to be treated even in clinics in other countries

Pam Thermal & Clinic Spa. Thermal hotel in Pamukkale resort. He has a Nobel rehabilitation clinic and his own well with thermal springs. The peculiarities of the clinic are that they take for treating patients who are recognized as hopeless. They treat paralysis, patients with impaired function of movement after strokes, and restore fine motor skills of the hands.