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Ilica Hotel Spa & Wellness Resort

Ilica Hotel Spa & Wellness Resort is a thermal sea hotel in the popular resort of Cesme in Turkey. It is located on the first line by the sea. The main advantage of Ilica from many resort hotels in the presence of a thermal pool with its own hot spring. This water treats diseases of the musculoskeletal system, skin, relieves pain. Cesme is ideal for treating the nervous system and respiratory organs. The hotel has 7 swimming pools and the beach has a Blue Flag award. Meals are provided according to the "buffet" system.

Rooms at spa hotel
Superior Double Room
    • DBL - Superior Garden
    • Room capacity: 3
    • 22 m²

Room features
Ilica Hotel Spa & Wellness Resort предоставляет возможность бронирования без предоставления данных о банковской карте

taxes and fees included

Payments options
Room features
  • Balcony
  • Shower cosmetics
  • Towel
  • Climate control
  • Fridge
  • Bathrope and slippers
  • Hair dryer
  • Phone
  • Shower
  • Safe
  • Mini bar
  • Wooden floor
  • TV
  • WIFI
View from the room

garden view

Other room features

non-smoking room

Deluxe Room with Balcony
    • DBL - Deluxe Balcony
    • Room capacity: 2
    • 26 m²

Room features
Ilica Hotel Spa & Wellness Resort предоставляет возможность бронирования без предоставления данных о банковской карте

taxes and fees included

Payments options
Room features
  • Safe
  • Mini bar
  • Carpet
  • TV
  • WIFI
  • Shower
  • Shower cosmetics
  • Towel
  • Climate control
  • Balcony
  • Fridge
  • Bathrope and slippers
  • Hair dryer
  • Phone
View from the room

garden view

Other room features

non-smoking room

Single Room with Balcony
    • SGL - Balcony
    • Room capacity: 1
    • 14 m²

Room features
Ilica Hotel Spa & Wellness Resort предоставляет возможность бронирования без предоставления данных о банковской карте

taxes and fees included

Payments options
Room features
  • Shower cosmetics
  • Towel dryer
  • Towel
  • Climate control
  • Balcony
  • Fridge
  • Bathrope and slippers
  • Hair dryer
  • Bath
  • Safe
  • Mini bar
  • Wooden floor
  • TV
  • WIFI
View from the room

garden view

Other room features

non-smoking room

Premium Room
    • DBL - Premium
    • Room capacity: 3
    • 24 m²

Room features
Ilica Hotel Spa & Wellness Resort предоставляет возможность бронирования без предоставления данных о банковской карте

taxes and fees included

Payments options
Room features
  • Mini bar
  • Towel dryer
  • Balcony
  • Air conditioner
  • Fridge
  • Bathrope and slippers
  • Hair dryer
  • Phone
  • Safe
  • Bath or shower
  • Wooden floor
  • TV
  • WIFI
  • Shower cosmetics
View from the room

garden view, sea view

Other room features

non-smoking room

Deluxe Room with Garden View
    • DBL - De Luxe Garden
    • Room capacity: 2
    • 24 m²

Room features
Ilica Hotel Spa & Wellness Resort предоставляет возможность бронирования без предоставления данных о банковской карте

taxes and fees included

Payments options
Room features
  • Bathrope and slippers
  • Shower cosmetics
  • Bath or shower
  • A tea set
  • Towel dryer
  • Towel
  • Balcony
  • Air conditioner
  • Fridge
  • Hair dryer
  • Phone
  • Safe
  • Mini bar
  • Wooden floor
  • TV
  • WIFI
View from the room

garden view

Other room features

non-smoking room

Medical base of spa hotel
Water supplied from a source
Water supplied from a source

Medicinal water from a source for conducting water procedures has been brought to the medical department. What specific water procedures use thermal or mineral water depends on the capabilities of the spa hotel itself.

Manual lymphatic drainage
Manual lymphatic drainage

A special massage technique that helps cleanse blood vessels and increase the tone of their walls. After the first physiotherapy, there is a surge of vivacity and lightness, after the second - edema disappears, small visible vessels disappear, skin color evens out. Further, there is an improvement in metabolic processes in all skin cells, weight is normalized, venous circulation improves, the process of removing toxins is accelerated, and cellulite disappears.


A type of ancient Indian therapy, according to which a person is treated in a complex manner, without identifying individual diseases. The treatment uses a special diet, natural preparations and original Ayurvedic herbs and oils.

Aromatic massage
Aromatic massage

Joint influence on human skin by classical methods of therapeutic massage and aromatic oils. Aroma massage has a pronounced relaxation and restorative effect, relieves muscle tone and reduces pain.

Facial massage
Facial massage

Special actions and measures related to the removal of wrinkles, slowing down aging, and eliminating visible problems on the face. Massage actions activate the work of muscle tissue. Massaging the skin leads to calming the nervous system, activating blood circulation, improving muscle tone, and restoring the smoothness and elasticity of the skin of the face.

Reflex massage
Reflex massage

Influence of massage on established areas of the body, reflexively associated with the internal organs of the body. During the massage, a segmental reaction occurs, impulses enter the spinal cord and brain, and the overall work of the whole organism is normalized. The impact of massage does not occur specifically on the organ, but on the zones connected by reflexes with the spinal cord.

Thai massage
Thai massage

Thai massage is a complete system of healing the body, consisting of various methods of influence: stretching, reflexology, acupuncture, passive yoga, impact on energy points.

General massage
General massage

Massage is the most popular procedure of reflex or mechanical influence on the human body in order to stimulate and normalize the work of the body. During the procedure, a beneficial effect on the muscular system occurs, the body's metabolic processes are activated, blood circulation improves, and skin elasticity increases. It has a rejuvenating, regenerating, anti-inflammatory and relaxing effect, has a calming effect on the nervous system, regulates the autonomic functions of the body, stimulates the removal of toxins from the body, improves immunity, relieves pain.

Partial massage
Partial massage

Massage only problematic areas of a person with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Massage actions help to activate the work of muscle tissue. Massaging the skin leads to improved blood circulation, burning of metabolic products, improved appetite, promotes the resorption of edema.

Hot stone massage
Hot stone massage

A combination of different types of massage using hot volcanic rocks. Stone therapy is prescribed to improve blood circulation, regulate the functioning of the nervous, immune and lymphatic systems, and reduce pain.

Thermal water pool
Thermal water pool

Mineral elements are absorbed into the body during bathing. Due to its composition, saturated with a large number of salts, macro, and microelements, thermal water helps to cure skin diseases, increases its protective properties, and improves blood circulation. contributes to the recovery of many diseases.

Body peeling
Body peeling

A cosmetic procedure that is aimed at cleansing the surface of the skin from impurities and improving its condition. The procedure has a stimulating effect on the entire body, perfectly cleanses and renews the skin. Peeling is a good alternative to surgery for stretch marks and scars.

Payments options

Оплату можно произвести банковской карточкой Visa, MasterCard, American Express, и наличными деньгами (евро, доллары, валюта страны).

При оплате банковской картой возможна конвертация.

True hotel guest reviews
Overall hotel rating
based on 6 reviews
  • Treatment assessment
  • Room assessment
  • Nutrition assessment
  • doctor assessment
  • Service assessment
Apr 8, 2022

Приехали сюда после небольшого отдыха в Греции. Решили подольше отдохнуть, потому как непонятно попадем ли еще в Турцию в 2022 году. Может вообще все закроют наглухо. отель понравился прежде всего сервисом. территория ухоженная, классный бассейн с горячими источниками.

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Валентин Орловский
Mar 26, 2022

Мне и супруге очень понравилось в отеле. Мы так сказать приехали на разведку, потому что стресс так зашкаливал, что не было желания ждать до сентября. Сейчас самое время для такого отдыха. На курорте тихо, мало людей. В отеле тишина. Надо сказать что в термальном бассейне мы купались одни. Свободное время проводили в Чешме - очень колоритный городишко.

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Mar 10, 2022

После путешествий по Европе до ковида и проживания в Ilica могу сказать что отель один из лучших из тех которые я видел. Все фантастически: питание, сервис, удобства.

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Вероника Зайцева
Mar 6, 2022
Very good

Видно что отель после реконструкции, почти все новое. Территория ухоженная, летом тут сказочно. Хороший ассортимент блюд в ресторане. Свои горячие источники, это очень приятно купаться в термальной воде, когда на улице прохладно. В феврале- марте почти не было туристов, тихо. Много гуляли по Чешме, красивый городишко.

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Feb 16, 2022
Very good

Понравилось: шикарная территория, большая, с открытыми бассейнами. Свой пляж, шезлонги, бар на пляже. Просторные светлые номера. Широкий ассортимент блюд. Термальный бассейн под открытым небом. Не понравилось: добираться далеко от Стамбула. Нужен в идеале перелет на Измир, оттуда еще примерно час трансфер.

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Лидия Дорошева
Feb 13, 2022

Уже отрекомендовала отель своим подругам, которые ищут что-то новенькое после надоевшей Анталии. И тут важно что можно одновременно лечить кожу, суставы в горячих источниках. Смысл тратить деньги на отдельную поездку на лечение, когда тут под боком море и можно полечиться, не бегая по процедурам.

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To order a transfer, send us a request by e-mail [email protected]. Specify:


  • which airport are you arriving at
  • date and time of arrival
  • flight number
  • which hotel do you need to be taken to
  • last name/first name
  • what type of transfer do you need: group or individual


If you arrive at the bus station, indicate the date of arrival, flight number, time of arrival, and if at the railway station - the date of arrival, train and car number, arrival time.


Transfer prices can be obtained from the manager of

Balneologist's opinion

Ilica Hotel Spa & Wellness Resort is the best choice for those who want to combine a seaside holiday with the treatment of degenerative joint diseases and skin diseases. Bathing in thermal and seawater, combined with a mild climate and a lot of sunny days, helps to treat psoriasis, eczema, and acne.

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